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Sunday, May 30, 2010

CFC Timor Leste - A New Generation Is Taking Its Place!

Breaking News!

Today, the Feast of the Holy Trinity, marks a milestone in the life of CFC in Timor Leste. The grand love of the Father, the passionate zeal of the Son and the empowering fire of the Holy Spirit are truly molding the New Generation of Timorese leaders, a fitting end to what could be termed as "transition month" for both the leaving Filipino missionaries and the remaining local (and one Filipina) missionaries and leaders.

Earlier this week, our three local missionaries, Francisco "Chico" da Costa (CFC), Aleixo "Lyus" do Rosario Pereira (young Family Ministries), and Joaquina "Quina" da Costa Sarmento Barreto (young Family Ministries) were able to finish the pastoral formation course given by their Filipino co-missionaries. They were also officially introduced and endorsed to His Grace Bishop Dom Alberto Ricardo da Silva of the Diocese of Dili.
 (From L to R: Karen, the only remaining Filipino missionary effective June 12, 2010, Quina, Bishop da Silva, Lyus & Chico)

The soon-to-be departing Rodriguez family also went to see Bishop da Silva to thank him for his support of their mission and of CFC as a whole.
A similar visit to His Grace Bishop Dom Basilio Nascimento of the Diocese of Baucau is planned for next week.

Yesterday and today, the newly-appointed Governance Team of CFC Timor Leste had its recollection-training-planning, which capped off CFC TL's transition from being led by a Filipino mission head to local leadership.
(Aleixo giving the recollection "You Are Invited" to the new Governance Team members)
 (Worshipping CFC Timor style!)
  (Initial planning of the Governance Team)

It was a fruitful, information-filled, faith-renewing weekend for CFC's new generation of leaders.

(The men of CFC Timor Leste)
 (CFC Timor Leste's Governance Team (L to R top row) - Jose Orlando Magno, Chico da Costa, Joao da Silva (L to R bottom row) - Francisco da Costa, David da Silva)

On the same day that CFC's new leaders were inspired and empowered to bring God's fullness of life to the whole of Timor, a dynamic training session was also held for those who would be responsible for the future generations of CFC. The KFC Facilitators' ROCK Training (the first of its kind since KFC updated its Facilitators Training!) left fourteen YFCs on fire to serve the Lord through the youngest ministry of CFC.
Indeed, CFC Timor Leste is blessed and privileged to be empowered by the Holy Trinity to evangelize from the womb to the tomb!

We only pray that God will continue to move CFC forward, in faith, hope, joy, and especially LOVE.

Holy Trinity, bless Your new generation of leaders!

There's a new generation that is seeking Your face
There's a new generation that is taking its place
Lord we surrender to Your will let it be done
Come this day, have Your way
Let Your kingdom come

We will rise, we will run
We will exalt the name of Jesus
By His blood we overcome
We will sing, we will dance
Come on and celebrate the kingdom of our God

There's a new generation that is running by faith
There's a new generation that is willing to pray
Wind of revival, come and sweep across this land
What a change with one move of Your mighty hand

We will rise, we will run
We will exalt the name of Jesus
By His blood we overcome
We will sing, we will dance
Come on and celebrate the kingdom of our God

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