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April 4, 2010

My dear brothers and sisters,

Hallelujah, Christ is risen!

No single event has most influenced and changed human history than Jesus Christ’s life and death and most particularly, His rising from the tomb.

As children of the world, our identification is in Jesus crucified. But as children of God, our hope is in His resurrection.  We have awakened to so many Easter mornings, but how many among us realize that the significance of His resurrection lies in its power to transform our lives?

The Risen Lord Jesus is Christ our Hope and because He is, we see everything differently and we act differently. We become Easter people. Therefore wherever we go we become salt and light, bringing glad tidings, inspiring people to change. As individuals, as couples, as families in the Holy Spirit, we fulfill our vision of renewing the face of the earth, spending our heaven here on earth, living life in the fullness of Christ.

What then is the good news that Easter brings? First, that something great has been accomplished, that every crucifixion brings the promise of Easter; that the risen Christ is the answer to our fears and our tears.

Second, that Jesus is our model and that we must follow His example, that we must face our sufferings in the same way that Jesus did -- with much prayer and humility.

Third, with our faith rooted in Christ, our hope allows us to see life differently. As Easter people, we are salt of the earth and the light of the world, proclaiming Christ to all.

Wishing you all a blessed Easter! Let us go forth, with faith and hope in the Risen Christ, and live the Good News of Easter!

Executive Director